Praise Jesus, the Son of God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.
SON RISE combines elements of pop, jazz, folk, rock, hip hop and R&B in a joyful noise unto our Creator, Yahweh, the One God of all nations. SON RISE always strives to give all glory to God alone, and seeks to praise the author and finisher of the universe through the awesome power of music.
SON RISE is created, written, performed, recorded, mixed and mastered entirely by Michael W. Moynihan Jr. It is therefore a deeply personal project that explores the artist’s relationship with his Creator.
about Jesus Reigns
Jesus Reigns is a statement of the artist’s newfound faith, and a testimony of the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord. On Jesus Reigns you will take a journey from the depths of sin and depravity to the halcyon heights of one man’s reunification with God by the mercy and salvation of His Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ the Nazarene.
Jesus Reigns features an eclectic assortment of contrasting styles and influences. From the deep grunge of the title track, to the all-out hip hop of “Science of Love,” Jesus Reigns offers something for everyone.
Intent on serving the Lord, SON RISE prays that his music is a blessing to you and that many are won for Christ by these songs.
Michael William Moynihan Jr. of SON RISE
God bless you. Hallelujah! Praise Christ. Hosanna in the Highest.